Latest Facts & Statistics
Compiled and Composed by: Ahmad Rana & Aamir Mahar (Updated as of January 2023)
Population of Pakistan
In November 2022, the world’s population reached eight billion and Pakistan’s 230m. Pakistan has grown from 33m at Independence to 230m in 75 years. (the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA)
The UNFPA reported population is growing in Pakistan at an average annual rate of 1.9 per cent, and nearly 3.6 children are born to a woman on average in the country.
At 230m people in 2022, Pakistan is the fifth most populous nation in the world and on track to balloon to around 300m by 2030.
GDP Growth Rate
FY2018-19: 3.3%
FY2019-20: - 0.38% (due to the Covid-19 pandemic)
FY2021-22: 5.97% (Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2021-22)
FY2022 -23: Expected 3.5% (Target was: 4.5%) (Flood, Political Instability, Inflation ) (Source: Asian Development Bank, ADB)
- Total GDP: $ 383 Billion (FY2022)
*Rebasing year 2015-16 (Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2021-22)
Stats of other countries (GDP Growth)
Bangladesh 6.9% (2022 Forecast )
India 7.9 % (2022 Forecast)
(Source: Asian Development Bank, ADB)
Sectorial Share of GDP in 2021-22 (Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, PBS)
Agriculture 23.08 % (2021-22)
Industry 18.91 % (2021-22)
Services 58.01 % (2021-22)
Inflation Rate
FY19: 7.3%
FY20: 11% (Economic Survey 2019-20)
(Source: Asian Development Bank, ADB)
As of December 2022: 24% inflation Rate (SBP)
(Source: State Bank of Pakistan, SBP)
Poverty Ratio
37% by govt officials (Former Finance Adviser & Minister Dr. Hafez Pasha)
24% below poverty line (Source: Asian Development Bank, ADB)
Rural: 54% and Urban: 9.4%
20.5% population is under-nourished
Source: The state of Food & Security and Nourishment of the world
Trade (Source: State Bank of Pakistan, SBP)
Export $39.42 billions
Import $84.12 billions
Trade deficit $44.7 billions
Debt (Internal & External) (Source: State Bank of Pakistan, SBP)
External Debt & Liabilities: $126 billions (2022)
Internal Debt: $262 billions
Literacy Rate (Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2021- 2022)
Literacy Rate : 62.5 %
Male : 73% and Female: 51.8%
Funds Allocation : 1.77 % of GDP
Efforts for Climate Justice (Source: Finance Division, January 2023 Report)
During June-August 2022, flash flood has affected all sectors of the economy. Overall damage is estimated at PKR 3.2 trillion (US$14.9 billion), loss to the GDP at PKR 3.3 trillion (US$15.2 billion), and total needs for rehabilitation of damages at PKR 3.5 trillion (US$16.3 billion).
Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan 2023, co-hosted by Pakistan and the United Nations, was held in Geneva on January 9, 2023. Against the call for USD 8 billion, the pledges of almost USD 10 billion were announced. Islamic Development Bank alone declared to contribute an amount of USD 4.2 billion over the next three years (2023-2025). The second major announcement was made by the World Bank of USD 2 billion (not including allocation for immediate relief), out of which USD 1.3 billion will directly contribute to reconstruction.
Financial pledges by Asian Infrastructure Development Bank amounted to USD 1 billion, whereas by Saudi Arabia and Asian Development Bank, these were USD 1 billion and USD 0.5 billion, respectively. Other contributors include France, China, USA, European Union, Germany, Japan, UK, Qatar, Italy, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Azerbaijan.
Rankings of Pakistan
In the World Economic Forum's ‘Global Risks 2023’ report, the global forum said that PakisÂtan was also among larger emerging markets exhibiting a heightened risk of default. Other countries include Argentina, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Tunisia, and Türkiye.
In June 2022, Jeffrey Sachs and a group of professionals from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Bertelsmann Stiftung released the Sustainable Development Report 2022 (SDR 2022). It gives an overview of global attempts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report also considers how COVID-19 has interfered with the SDG progress. The poorest individuals are most impacted, including women, children, seniors, people with disabilities, and migrants and refugees. Out of 163 countries, Pakistan is, sadly, ranked 125th in the report. Pakistan’s SDG Global Rank was 129 (out of 193) in 2021, improved by five ranks, 134 (out of 166) in 2020.
The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in November 2022 released The Global Innovation Index 2022 (GII 2022). For the 12th consecutive year, Switzerland ranks first in the GII. The US overtakes Sweden to climb to 2nd position and continues to head the league table of scoring best in the world on 15 of the 81 GII 2022 innovation indicators. Germany reached 8th position, its highest ranking since 2009, after having entered the top 10 in 2016. Pakistan is a prominent climber in the GII 2022 ranking, entering the top 90 at 87th place. This year, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan entered the group of Innovation Achievers for the first time by performing above expectations on innovation for their level of economic development.
Pakistan ranked 29th among the countries holding natural gas reserves, a national report said in June 2022.
The 2022 WJP Rule of Law Index ranked Pakistan at 129th out of 140 countries in adherence to the rule of law.
In June 2022, Pakistan was ranked 83rd in the 2021 edition of the Travel and Tourism Development Index that includes 117 countries, which is up from 89th place in the index’s previous edition of 2019.
In the 2022 Global Hunger Index (GHI), Pakistan ranked 99th out of the 121 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2022 GHI scores. GHI is a peer-reviewed report published by the Concern Worldwide of Ireland, US-based International Food Policy Research Institute & Germany based Welthungerhilfe (WHH) every year since 2007 to track hunger across the globe.
Pakistan in September 2022 slipped down seven places on the Human Development Index (HDI) 2021-22 of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and currently ranks 161 out of 192 countries. The HDI was created by the team led by Mahbub ul Haq and Inge Kaul for the first publication of the Human Development Report of 1990.
As per the ‘Henley Passport Index: Q1 2023 Global Ranking’, released in January 2023 by Henley & Partners (a London-based global citizenship and residence advisory firm), the Pakistani passport continued to be the fourth-worst (on 106th rank) in the world, not changing its position from a year ago and providing access to only 32 destinations. Japan with 193 destinations has the most favourable passport in the world as per latest index.
Pakistan failed to make any improvement on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) in 2022 as the country ranked 140 out of 180 countries — a position unchanged from the last year, Berlin-based non-profit organisation Transparency International said in its 2022 report. While Pakistan’s rank was unchanged, its score dropped to 27 from 28 last year. There was no change in India’s score, while Bangladesh’s dropped to 25 from 26 last year. In 2021, Pakistan dropped 16 places in the CPI compared to 2020, ranking 140 out of 180 countries.
Denmark topped the index this year, with 90 points, followed by Finland and New Zealand with 87 points each. Somalia, Syria, and South Sudan are at the bottom of the chart with 12, 13, and 13 points, respectively.
The 2021 edition of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)'s Democracy Index in February 2022 listed Pakistan on 104th rank among 167 and classified it as a 'hybrid regime'.
Finland was ranked as the happiest country in the world for the fifth consecutive year in the tenth 2022 World Happiness Report by the UN in March 2022; Afghanistan being the unhappiest. Pakistan is at 121 on the happiness index while India is far below at 136.
In November 2022, Lahore was listed as having the worst air quality in the entire world: AQI (air quality index) reported. IQAir is a Swiss air quality technology company. Bangladesh is the most polluted country in the world.
The RSF was founded in France in 1985 to advocate for press freedom and it headquarters in Paris. The RSF in May 2022 placed Pakistan on 145th on the 2021 Press Freedom Index and fell to 157th on a list of 180 countries in 2022. World Press Freedom Day is observed on May 3.
Pakistan was ranked as the 2nd worst country in terms of gender parity, placed 145 out of 146 states, in the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 released by the WEF in July 2022. The only worse performer than Pakistan was Afghanistan. The report stated that Pakistan has closed 56.4pc of the gender gap in 2022 — the highest overall level of parity the country posted since the report launched in 2006. Iceland topped the 2022 report.
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