Understanding Negative Marking in PMS (Sindh) Screening Test
Test is going to be held on 13th March, 2021.
As mentioned in the notification for PMS (Sindh) Screening Test, this test is based on the negative marking. There will be 100 marks for 100 MCQs. Each correct answer carries 1 mark. Each incorrect answer will result in deduction of 0.25 mark. To qualify this test and be eligible to sit in the written exam, you need 50 marks in total.
Basically, the negative marking is a type of marking system where for every question you answer wrongly, you not only get no marks for that particular question but are also deduct extra marks from your previous total.Â
Let me give you an example:Â
If you got 60 questions correct and 40Â questions incorrect. As you know, each question carries 0.25Â marks. Then comes the calculation part:
40 × 0.25 = 10 marks
Now you have to deduct 10 marks from the total score will be 60 - 10 = 50 marks. This is also criteria to qualify this test. Normally, if there is negative marking, it is considered the best to leave a question which you are doubtful about unanswered instead of attempting it. This ensures that you don't lose any extra marks for wrong attempt. So be careful and watch out for negative marking. Hope, it helps.
Those students who want to participate in my online session for FPSC General Recruitment Tests, they may reply me here or click here to check the details. Good luck from your own, Aamir Mahar and thank you!